The Teacher in Year 6 is Mr Ainslie.
Year 6 pupils, as the eldest year group of the school, are encouraged to take on additional roles of responsibility such as being Prefects, Team Captains, Sports Leaders and School Council Leaders. It is a year of intensive work leading up to the KS2 SATs tests in May. It is therefore very important that any absence is kept to a minimum and holidays are avoided during term time. Pupils will receive weekly homework in English, Mathematics, Spelling and Reading and occasional homework in other subjects. They have a homework diary to help them organise their time and keep to deadlines.
In Year 6, children study English and Maths according to the National Curriculum. Science is now taught as a separate lesson, incorporating many practical investigations. There are two hours of PE weekly, taught in part by Mr Ainslie or Mrs Martins. There are also age-appropriate lessons in PSHE and sex education to help prepare pupils for the physical, mental and emotional challenges of the next few years. Other subjects are incorporated in block sessions.
Most pupils will transfer to Lynn Grove Academy and so at various times during the year, and increasingly in the summer, the children will have opportunities to share in transition activities at high school. Year 6 is a demanding but exciting year which we hope will result in independent, self-confident children who are ready to make the move to the next stage of their education.