Year 5

The Teacher in Year 5 is Mrs Cushing.

Children entering Year Five become part of upper Key Stage 2 and are expected to take an increasing responsibility for their own learning. Homework is set each week in English, Maths and Reading, with occasional homework in other subjects. It is expected that this work is completed on time. In Year 5, children study English and Maths according to the National Curriculum.  Science is taught as a separate lesson, incorporating many practical investigations. There are two hours of PE weekly. There are also age-appropriate lessons in PSHE and sex education to help prepare pupils for the physical, mental and emotional challenges of the next few years. Other subjects are incorporated in block sessions.

We encourage our Year 5 children to begin to take on roles of responsibility within the school and so they are offered the opportunity to be playground buddies, working to support younger children in the playground. Some children will represent the school in sporting activities such as netball, football, swimming and athletics as well as in music. It is a year of growing maturity and independence, helping to prepare the children for their final year at primary school.