
Maths Overview 2023-24

Our curriculum is all the planned activities that we as a school organise in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. It includes, not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum (2014), but also the range of extra-curricular activities that the school organises in order to enrich the experience of our children. It also includes the ‘hidden curriculum’, or what the children learn from the way they are treated and expected to behave. We aim to teach children how to grow into positive, resilient and responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others, whilst developing knowledge, skills and attitudes to learning, in order that they achieve their true potential.
Mathematics is taught using the objectives in the 2014 National Curriculum Framework (Refer also to the Calculations Policy). At Hillside Primary School we use the White Rose Mastery Curriculum framework, which we adapt to suit the needs of the school. The framework is used like a skeleton, where we add concrete, pictorial and abstract, in addition to real life contexts. Each year-group uses the long/medium/weekly term plans and adapts them accordingly, by using summative and formative assessments (Refer to medium term blocks for each year group). Other sources are used such as: NRICH, Number Sense, the NCETM mastery ideas and Maths Bots. Whilst curriculum coverage is broad, balanced and meets the requirements of the National Curriculum, teachers are given the flexibility to cover Mathematics in other lessons, such as Science, depending on what’s most appropriate for the unit of work or skills being covered. Occasionally, children may follow an alternative curriculum or approach, if they are unable to access the National Curriculum for their age-group, due to their Special Educational Needs.
In addition, there are whole school maths days which often involve the parents being invited into school to experience mathematics with their child, starting from the Nursery. All children are expected to undertake weekly homework tasks for Maths, including Maths challenges, Maths Monkey, Maths Bots, Times Tables Rock Stars and CGP workbooks (Y5+6).
The coverage of the curriculum and progress for Mathematics is recorded on Pupil Asset on a termly basis. Also, end-of-unit assessment sheets are used to inform the class teacher of strengths, weaknesses and misconceptions. Children who are not working at the expected level for their age-group will receive some additional in-class support and may undertake same-day intervention or specific programmes such as Power of One and The Power of Two.
We also have daily non-negotiables/input: this can be around “Mental maths”, the four operations including problem-solving, reasoning and fluency, or White Rose Flashbacks. This is 10 mins extra time given to maths and can be slotted in when/ where appropriate.
Each class has a maths working wall which is used daily, this includes language, sequence of learning, stem sentences and mathematical questioning.
We also have weekly maths challenges in paired year groups: EYFS, Y1+2, Y3+4 and Y5+6 and certificates for Times Tables which are given in our Celebration Assembly.
2023 KS2 Maths SATS results 72% Expected+ (5% higher than previous year and 6% above Norfolk).
2023 KS2 Maths SATS results 13% Higher Standard (3% higher than previous year).
2023 KS2 Maths Progress at -2.7. Partly down to the poor progress of one pupil with complex SEND, who was assessed as Expected in KS1.
2023 KS1 Maths SATS results 52% Expected+ (Significant increase from previous year).
2023 KS1 Maths SATS results 0% Higher Standard.
2023 EYFS Number achieved 70% (10% lower than previous year).
2023 EYFS Numerical patterns achieved 83% (5% above National).