Remote Home Learning

 Hillside Primary Remote Learning Policy/Plan – Autumn 2020

This document outlines our plans for remote education or ‘home learning’, in the event that a child or a whole class ‘bubble’ needs to self-isolate, or if the whole school needs to close. It is our intention to ensure that that all children are able to continue to access the normal school curriculum, should they need to do so from home.

Scenario 1: My child or whole family needs to self-isolate.

In this incidence the expectation is that the school must provide children with the same or very similar content to what the rest of the children are learning in class.

  • If your child is in Nursery or Reception their teachers will use Tapestry to provide you with activities that you can do with them at home, aligning to what the rest of the children are doing in school. Tapestry will also continue to be the main way that you can communicate with the teacher and share what your child has been doing at home.
  • If your child is in Years 1, 2 or 3 their teachers will use SeeSaw to share activities, communicate and provide feedback to you and your child. They may also provide you with other printed resources, where appropriate or possible. You will also be able to communicate to them via SeeSaw.
  • If your child is in Years 4, 5 or 6 their teachers will use SeeSaw to share activities, communicate and provide feedback to your child. They may also share some live or recorded content from lessons, where appropriate or possible. Your child (or you) will also be able to communicate to them via SeeSaw.


Scenario 2: My child’s class/bubble or the whole school has to close.

In the event of the whole class (and staff) being off, the teacher will continue to provide activities/learning from the school’s planned curriculum where possible, rather than consolidation activities from previous learning.

  • If your child is in Nursery or Reception their teachers will use Tapestry to provide you with activities that you can do with them each day at home. Tapestry will also continue to be the main way that you can communicate with the teacher and to share what your child has been doing at home.
  • If your child is in Years 1, 2 or 3 their teachers will use SeeSaw to share daily activities (English, Maths and Topic). Teachers will be available on SeeSaw at a specified time in the morning and afternoon, to answer your questions and provide feedback to you and your child. They may also provide you with other printed resources, where appropriate or possible.
  • If your child is in Years 4, 5 or 6 their teachers will use SeeSaw to share daily activities (English, Maths and Topic). Teachers will also be available via video at a specified time in the morning and afternoon to speak to your child, answer any questions and provide feedback on their learning. Your child (or you) will also be able to communicate to them via SeeSaw.

Expectations for staff if their class/bubble or the school closes.

  • Teachers will set learning on a daily basis (by 9am) which will include an English, Maths, PE and relevant Topic activity.
  • Activities will be high quality, meaningful, ambitious and link to the planned school curriculum (taken from the National Curriculum).
  • Oak Academy, Hamilton and Real PE will mainly be utilised to support learning in Years 1-6.
  • Teachers will be available from 08.30 to 15.10 on their normal working days and specifically available (video or messaging) every morning (11.30 to 12.00) and afternoon (14.30 to 15.00) to answer questions and provide feedback on learning.
  • Teaching Assistants will also be available for their normal working hours, to remotely support (specific) pupils, liaising and attending virtual meetings with teachers, pupils and parents.
  • Teachers will follow-up on any children/families that are not regularly engaging with learning and inform the Head Teacher or a Safeguarding Lead.
  • Teachers will immediately report any concerns they may have about a child’s welfare to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads or the CADs Team 0344 800 8021.
  • Where possible, teachers will provide children with printed resources if they can’t access online content.


Expectations for Leaders and Key Staff

  • Governors will monitor the quality and impact of remote learning, in addition to ensuring that systems remain secure, for both safeguarding and data reasons e.g. setting/reviewing policies, reports from leaders, meetings, data, work scrutiny etc.
  • The Senior Leadership Team will co-ordinate and monitor the effectiveness, consistency and safety of remote learning provision e.g. meetings/training, work-scrutiny, surveys etc.
  • Subject Leaders will support staff with planning, delivering, evaluating and resourcing remote learning.
  • The SENCO will support staff and parents in planning, delivering, evaluating and resourcing remote learning for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.
  • The ICT Lead and Technician will support staff in developing, resourcing and effectively using remote learning systems and technology, also providing both support and resources (where applicable) to pupils and parents.
  • The Safeguarding and ICT Leads will support staff, parents and pupils to ensure that remote learning systems are safe.
  • The GDPR Co-ordinator will work with senior leaders and staff to ensure that personal data is secure.
  • The ELSA and FSP Co-ordinator will be available to provide pastoral support to pupils and parents.


Expectations for Parents and Carers

  • Support learning at home by providing a safe space for children to focus.
  • Maintain communication with the class teacher during normal school hours.
  • Support children to log onto online resources.
  • Inform school if learning packs are required (due to not being able to access the internet) at any stage.
  • Collect learning pack (where applicable) from school or contact school if this is not possible.
  • Ensure that learning packs are not collected by an adult who is isolating.
  • Inform the school if someone in your household tests positive for Covid-19.


Local or National Lockdown

  • In the event of a whole-school closure due to a Local or National Lockdown, the school might once again be required to provide childcare for identified Key Worker/Vulnerable children.
  • The Senior Leadership Team will identify the children entitled to this provision, based on the guidance that we are given by both the Local Authority and Government.
  • This will be staffed by TAs/MSAs with teachers having to focus on providing remote learning.
  • Where possible and appropriate, children attending school will follow the remote learning provision set by the teacher for their class.
  • In the event of a Local/National Lockdown over a school holiday period, the school will not be expected to provide remote learning, however (free/charged) childcare provision might be available, either locally or at the school.


Keeping Children Safe

  • The welfare of the children always come first
  • Anyone who has a safeguarding concern must raise their concerns immediately with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – Simon Minter (Headteacher) or Deputy DSLs – Deborah Oldham (Deputy Headteacher), Norman Johnson (SENCO) or Nadine Barber (Nursery Lead Practitioner)
  • Children should be protected online and reminded of Internet Safety rules through resources shared as part of home learning.
  • When making phone calls, staff can check-in with the child as well as the parent to support well-being.
  • Staff should adhere to the school’s policies and ensure that they uphold the professional expectations of the establishment.